Basic Concepts of Angular

Understanding the Angular Lifecycle

JT Earl
6 min readJan 18, 2021

What is Angular?

Taken from the Angular docs, “Angular is a framework and platform for building single-page apps”. It is one of the big three frontend frameworks along with React and Vue. Angular consists of a few core concepts: Modules, Components, and Services. Each of these core concepts has a few concepts of its own. Modules have root modules and feature modules. Components have root components, templates, views, data binding, directives, and pipes. Services have providers and use dependency injection. This may seem like a lot because it is. Angular has a reputation for being a robust front-end framework but if you can understand Angular modules, components, and services then you are well on your way to mastering Angular.

Angular Lifecycle from Angular Documentation


Angular has some prebuilt modules to help developers, Angular calls these NgModules. NgModules are always marked with the @NgModule annotation in Angular. Some common modules are the FormsModule, RouterModule, HttpClientModule, and the Angular material design module. The idea of modules comes from the single responsibility principle. While a module can do many things, at a higher level its focus is on one thing such as forms or routing. This prevents application bloat and orders the application into concise blocks of…



JT Earl

Programmer Since 17. Currently working in front-end and mid-tier programming for a finance company. Check out my Tech blog @